Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Harley Davidson Extreme Modifications


of the motorcycle 2, we can keep score. that the two were in bike into the category of extreme modification because he has a strange appearance. when compared with the modification of another motorcycle. harley davidson of color in the paint with air brush has a unique character. namely using the concept of choper. and the blue harley davidson was using the concept of the modern modifications. because we can see a lot of accessories that use high technology, such as the audi system installed on the bike. please if you are interested in, treat your eyes to look at this bike.

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Mio Contest Modification

White Mio Modificaton
Modifikasi Yamaha MioAir Brush Mio Matic Modification
Mio contest modification
Modifikasi mio in Europe, such as what? Geba Leisure Parts (GLP) try modifikasi mio through Yamaha Mio Modif , owned a home Lamongan, East Java. "The concept leads to the European style because there matik many make it," said Gerie Nur Mayurie, home modifications GLP leaders in Bandung, West Java.
Evident once the results of this garapan GLP. Some details taken from a Peugeot Ludix, scooter popular in France. Models such as head lamp, and the body side of the slim Mio Modif far more obese. According to the Ardhi Kupret, GLP blade design, the design is that Modif Mio is stout and enggak cewek banget.
Sector around the side of the body appears to been serious. For example cover fan magnet participate gambot studied. Adjustments to the results pemelaran body, shortened the stern, making skubek berlambang tune this fork semok more.
View more body side so be sweet after such a pipe chrome trim. This is an innovation. "If the motor man looks cool with a deltabox. Well, this kind of framework of indirection," Gerie smile while discussing the use not original frame pipe 1 1 / 2 inches long with a 140 cm.
How installation is not difficult. Lis tied with bolts to the original order. This is to facilitate the unloading pasang.Untuk strengthen the European-style appearance, others took part untouched. As the bar, here's Gerie Yamaha X1R pinch, although must be custom because the body is less fit and rider position. How, add aluminum as 8 cm in the middle of the screen setang.Pemakaian determine participate. Here, GLP deliberately doff the cat from Spies Hecker. If too kinclong, said Gerie, terkesannya girly banget. So, before dilabur with candy red paint, body first be painted silver. To form the display screen doff, used a special type of varnish can cause these effects.
"In effect, become more motor serem. Disadvantages if rain or water, between striped body looks wet and not," I Gerie. *

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Modification of Yamaha X1R

kawasaki fury 125 ccmotorcycle yamaha X1R picture is also from the forum I get modifications in the Philippines. turns out there is different from the motor that is in indonesia, the name. but in body shape and construction remain the same only the name that distinguishes it from the motor only. we see only motor yamaha X1R it the same as the yamaha Jupiter MX in indonesia. funds kawasaki fury like a 125 cc Suzuki Satria 150 cc. which is the comparison between yamaha x1R rand kawasaki fury 125 cc's is a form of body. problems and good speed I think yamaha X1R than kawasaki fury 125 and relatively the same.
kawasaki fury 125yamaha XIR modificationyamaha X1R picture

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

JUPITER Modif Motor Cycle Unique and Creatif
It is a picture Motor Modif or Modification from Yamaha Jupiter Z.
It's very amazing because the colour of paint is very lightening. i like it.
what is your opinion about this picture modification jupiter..??
do you like it..??

In the second picture, it is Modification from Yamaha too.
it is very nice an unique. You can follow this modification to practice in your motor cycle.
hihiiii. if you have much money, you can make more better than this modification.

wow very amazing and very interesting.
very creatif to make concept modif and modification.
