Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Honda BEAT Komparasi VS New Yamaha Mio

Real battle. It was a fitting expression of ngegambarin komparasi Vs Honda BEAT New Yamaha Mio (NM) time. Lo? Yups, in addition to this second skutik equally new, they also had our komparasi. So this pile back. Moreover, both similar dimensions.

Enggak believe? I love a little kite speknya data. BEAT mainstay factory b: erlambang High wing flap have 1859 X 876 Width X Length 1053 mm. Nah jawara while Yamaha has dimensions of 1820 x 675 x 1050 mm.

Beda is also continues to thin ground clearance issues. BEAT disetting with a distance of 156 mm and a bit more short-NM namely 130 mm. Well he is, for the long axis of both wheels the same size of 1240 mm. Oke deh, go see the results komparasi 2 skutik most Anyar pave the street in the country.

In plain view, the design reflects the many little BEAT Honda Vario which lekukannya more retire to a corner. Gitu also New Mio, curved indentation on some parts of the body Mio old, is still used as a characteristic of this Yamaha skutik mainstay.

Start from the top first. Although designs vary, but spidometer manual (hand) with a combined speed of any posts digit color energetic, still the mainstay skutik second this.

Problem of light, more and more property like this BEAT Vario. Although different konturnya, gleam disorotkan directly from the front shield. Nah Mio, location and design of headlamp is still a long kayak. But the NM so this looks different, because there is change in the design and layout and lighting sein lamu city. Other, in many also BEAT adopt safety features kayaking Vario (parking break lock and side stand).

Similar to the old, New Mio is still good in the tie-bermanuver invited. It also feels the same time invited BEAT zig-zag on the streets of Jakarta tends to creep solid. But the difference will be visible when BEAT dibesut biker bertinggi above 175 cm. "Mentok knee slightly in front of the deck," Mr gumam. Testo.

Test the balance of the vehicle with loose hands is also done. NM direct result body felt slightly to the left while ngebuang BEAT fixed road plates. When brought curve, Suspensi emang feels solid. But when brought BEAT collapse, there was little feeling bashful. "The likelihood kompon BEAT ban the use," Mr pillowcase. Testo. Instead Yamaha champion, remained quiet when used with a test curve ekstrem.Performa
NM somewhat slow acceleration. That's when Mr opposite. Testo weight 65 kg gas drag beat. All of that is also evidenced through the use test data measuring tool brand made PerformanceBox UK. Where to be able to reach speeds 0-60, BEAT takes 7.6 seconds and 7.9 seconds NMS. ... Thin!

However, the results recorded at slightly different measurements performed on a certain distance. Still wearing PerformanceBox, at 0-100 m distance dipatok, NM menorehkan able to record 8.2 seconds, and is 0.3 seconds faster than the beat.

Next test, the distance 0-201 m. To round out of the engine to the top, was still more superior BEAT of NM (data see table). Hm .. like the compression ratio of 9.2: 1 plus a combination of a piston diameter of 50 mm X 55 mm long step, create engine acceleration under lap BEAT yahud more.

To NM alone, compression 8.8: 1 mm diameter piston and 50 steps long X 57.9 make middle engine torque can be relied on.

0-60 7.6 sec 7.9 sec
0-80 14.78 sec 16.5 sec

Acceleration Distance
0-100 8.5 sec 8.2 sec
0 - 201 13.8 sec 14.5 sec

Gasoline consumption
Methods, the way Mr skutik used. Testo. Speed, needle spidometer second skutik same dipanteng between 60-70 km / hour. Nah, after the cover 10 km distance, BEAT that 110 cc capacity engines able to cover 50 km distance to 1 liter of gas.

"When you try on the volume of NM 115 engines with the same distance, distance of 44.4 km obtained for the use of 1 liter of gas," said Mr. Testo. A little more extravagant, as the characters tend to be well over a lap in the middle to the top. Meanwhile, below, will need more gas in memelintir openings.

With features that pengaplikasian be regarded more of NM, I BEAT reasonable that there is only racing rim (CW) sold a little more expensive; Rp 12 million (on the road) DKI. Medium NM, marketed Rp 11,885,000 and the fingers Rp 11,160,000 (DK)
conclusion: Two Japanese manufacturer is equally strong. Have the same names and innovative products. However, at the age of the Honda. But Yamaha is selling more first skutik (market leader). I question the view, certainly the second skutik this gaul banget. Mio more universal, while BEAT thick feel of young children.

Now there can be disconnected from, you skutiker what type? Aggressive and dynamic, monggo BEAT Dilirik. But I elegant, Mio is suitable for you. Other, the price of second Mio (long version) still stand high. BEAT While not yet detected, because it is still new. until one of you do not choose to. Congratulations choose.

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