Land transport various forms is one of a motorcycle. Injection Skutik Honda Air Blade which I have long circulating in Thailand since year 2006 is almost present in Indonesia but has not been known at the time.
"If the market really wants is skutik, why not? We akan memboyongnya to Indonesia. But it is clear we must study first, whether suitable for a street in Indonesia," said General Manager of Motorcycle Marketing Division PT AHM Sigit Kumala.
He added that the current capacity of the factory production AHM only enough to produce only two skutik Honda Vario, and the Honda Beat. "Currently we are studying whether it will add skutik variants. But if the Air Blade and then we will enter, wait later development," he said.
Features in the form of this skutik New Phoenix & Cover Sharply Wide Beam Head Light that shows the effect of stout and logos Fuel Injection (FI) to make this motor the more luxurious.
In addition, a motorcycle that has been marketed in Thailand has a New Inner Box Console, so that it is practical to store small items especially equipped with the cover so that no rains.
The most interesting of these is skutik Fuel Tap New Position, the position of the floatation tank is between seat and front of the skull ease fuel.
If Air Blade-I ascertained Indonesia akan enter a secret weapon to use for this Honda menggusur Mio Soul and Skydrive Dynamatic.pastikan you have is a motorcycle.
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