You have the motor Honda GL Pro? Touch modification Abdul Aziz, modifikator from A1 of Modified Magetan, this may be so inspiring. Aziz claim to imitate Ducati Monster 696 to change the GL 1995 Pro it. The thick Ducati still prominent with 'bones' that extends from the tank to take the orange old seat.
Ducati 696 Monster Tongkrongan envisaged from the tank and Tubular framework. Although the use tralis berdiameter pipe 1 inch longer and also not working in the original Ducati, he may make semirip. Pipes except from the middle of the back is not simply sweetener, but as a task pengnuat body. Are still the front of the default standard.
Inspiration Monster menjelar continue to cover the tip of the stern seat, so make the display a single seater. Unfortunately, finishingnya a little less neat because there is still a rift between the stern seat is made from the fiber material.
So also with the engine cover had to be closed because the kitchen is very small pacunya. Design a rigid, weight-relief under the impression. Despite that, there is a breakthrough from Abdul Aziz to dispose of the channel system.
Note the design knalpotnya. Leg rider can tersengat summer, it has been eliminated with the aluminum component derived from the copy machine. "Inside the machine there is a roll of aluminum tubes and found that it was made because exhaust heat resistant," he said.
Terrible, although it is through travel, knlapot can still be held. although diakuinya sedikir rada warm. Trus, be on the front of the radiator-radiatoran. Mdel for the future, Abdul terinspirirasi same Yamaha MT. The lamp itself is being taken from the Honda REVO.
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