Honest, pacer with a motor on the 200 cc Suzuki is with the dilansir Thunder 250 the year 2000. Unfortunately, old age does not change its position and Thunder 125 cc in 2004. Realize the transition by PT Indomobil Niaga International (IMNI) because the wheels of two more types of sport hooked ber cc small.
Suzuki Thunder 250 cc on the body of a pure sport is not halted production because of not achieving the target. But Username want more land. Not just the kitchen pacunya the quarter liter. "Design must represent the body of CC, but the machine is easy," Hyugo firm.
The pioneer, PT IMNI seems to return to the spirit of the legend of Thunder 250. Instead, Thunder infonya machine-style cruiser. Given the opportunity FXR150 variants conquer consumers, the possibility of the presence Suzuki GS250F, combined plus fairing Suzuki Bandit GSX-R.
This newspaper also dikomentari Ali JTC in a mailing list, "Mang dikeluarin I make it 2 class for all 250 CC. GZ basis ama tuh basis GSF could make diluncurin. I can make it far different class, soalnya viscera ama technology is also different. Moreover, Suzuki is building a new plant, kalo ngga salah emang buat maen disiapin (CKD) MOGE. Cuman kalo ama printil2 the fairing is it a small local aja, biar increasingly cheap. One origin, do not keluarin thunder250 the form of
aselinya the choper. Form so kaga demen ama jammed. Passable substitute powder aja ".
Suzuki Thunder 250 cc on the body of a pure sport is not halted production because of not achieving the target. But Username want more land. Not just the kitchen pacunya the quarter liter. "Design must represent the body of CC, but the machine is easy," Hyugo firm.
The pioneer, PT IMNI seems to return to the spirit of the legend of Thunder 250. Instead, Thunder infonya machine-style cruiser. Given the opportunity FXR150 variants conquer consumers, the possibility of the presence Suzuki GS250F, combined plus fairing Suzuki Bandit GSX-R.
This newspaper also dikomentari Ali JTC in a mailing list, "Mang dikeluarin I make it 2 class for all 250 CC. GZ basis ama tuh basis GSF could make diluncurin. I can make it far different class, soalnya viscera ama technology is also different. Moreover, Suzuki is building a new plant, kalo ngga salah emang buat maen disiapin (CKD) MOGE. Cuman kalo ama printil2 the fairing is it a small local aja, biar increasingly cheap. One origin, do not keluarin thunder250 the form of

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